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Embodied Presence
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we're bringing it back to the body with a discussion on embodied presence and...

Reclaiming Inner Authority
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we continue our discussion on healing unresolved trauma. This time we explore the...

Rewriting Trauma-Based Programs
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we continue our discussion on healing unresolved trauma and look specifically the...

Go Within or Go Without
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we continue our talk on past trauma and how to resolve it using an inner world...

What Is Healing?
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we start our chapter on the Foundations of Healing with the question, What Is...

You Are the Teacher
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video we get into another principle lightwork, which is that the ultimate teacher of...

Self Mastery: Why It Matters
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video I talk about how all true teachings involve the principle of self mastery. Is...

Spiritual Bypassing: Is It Ever A Good Idea?
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video I address the issue of spiritual bypassing and dispel the myths around the topic....

You Don't Have to Agree
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In today's video I address social conditioning around the wholesale dismissal of information when...

Lightwork As Art + Science
Welcome back to Lightworker Training! In this video, I talk about the lightwork principle of engaging holistic intelligence and what that...
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